Synergy between people and nature

Just south of Liverpool, between Western Head and White Point, the 154 acre property is a well-established local recreation area popular for nature appreciation, walking, camping and more. It also includes over 700 meters of coastline – including, of course, a sandy beach.

In addition to its recreational value, the coastal property hosts high habitat diversity with a variety of upland forests, coastal dunes, coastal wetlands, freshwater wetlands, and beaches. As a relatively intact assemblage of coastal habitats, it provides refuge for migratory and nesting birds, and hosts endangered species including several species of birds, turtles and lichen. The peatlands on the property are a significant site of carbon storage; preserving large carbon sinks like this is a critical component of climate change mitigation.

We ask that visitors keep their dogs on-leash in order to protect the wildlife that share this important land.

Learn more about our work at Sand Beach


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