A spectacular and rugged refuge for birds

Located within the Mi’kmaw district of Eskikewa’kik, the coastline and islands in the Canso Coastal Barrens are characterized by dramatic granite bedrock barrens, softwood forest, and peatlands. This part of Nova Scotia has seen less coastal development than in other parts of the province; at the same time, within this Country Harbour Headlands Coastal Segment, less than 5% of islands currently benefit from some level of formal protection. The Nature Trust’s protection of Harbour and Prices Islands is a substantial addition to a part of the province witnessing growing conservation interest.

This area is known to support an abundance of waterfowl, seabirds, and shorebirds, including Eiders, Mergansers, Purple Sandpipers and the Harlequin Duck, a species of special concern determined by the federal Species at Rick Act (SARA). Harbour and Prices themselves welcome a significant number of breeding, migrating, and overwintering birds, including many boreal species (like Blackpoll Warbler, Fox Sparrows and Boreal Chickadee) and Willets, a declining species of shorebird. In light of the staggering decline of migratory birds, the protection of these intact islands is critically important to providing hope for the future of Nova Scotia’s natural legacy.

The waters surrounding the islands are a popular paddler’s paradise. To protect the sensitive bird populations and other wildlife present, please maintain a 300 meter distance from all wildlife. You can read more about how to avoid disturbance to seabirds and waterbirds here.

Learn more about our work in the Canso Coastal Barrens


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