Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust helps Save the Wild Blue
08 Oct 2020
The Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust (FBWHT) knows a thing or two about protecting wild lands for future generations. Established in 2001, the volunteer organization helped ensure that 8,600 acres of public lands on the Chebucto Peninsula was designated as the Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area in 2011. But their work didn’t end there – since then, they’ve helped ensure the lands are stewarded and can be enjoyed by all through the many trails and canoe routes within.

Frederick Lake
More recently, the FBWHT has looked to expand the protected area by turning some of its focus to the protection of nearby private lands. That’s why, in 2019, they made a $20,000 contribution to the Nova Scotia Nature Trust’s Lasting Landscapes Campaign, in a last-minute opportunity to help protect the Nature Trust’s Frederick Lake property. Thanks in no small part to FBWHT’s support, the Nature Trust was able to purchase the shoreline property surrounded by the Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area. Later that year, FBWHT purchased a second property, and together added 150 acres of protected lands adjacent to the Wilderness Area.

Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust Board Chair Harry Ward presents a cheque for $20,000 to Allison Thorne, Urban Wildlands Coordinator for the Nova Scotia Nature Trust.
And so it may seem a bit of a leap for the FBWHT to support the Nature Trust’s latest campaign to “Save the Wild Blue” – a 545 acre property in a completely different wilderness area. But as FBWHT Board Chair Harry Ward pointed out in a news release from the FBWHT, the Blue Mountain Wilderness Connector, and the Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes that surrounds it, contain the headwaters of many lakes and rivers found in the Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area. By looking at the bigger picture, the FBWHT recognized the positive impact that protecting lands outside their focus area could have, and stepped up once again to donate another $20,000 to the Nature Trust. And thanks to the 4:1 leveraging opportunity, their $20,000 means $100,000 of total support to save nature.
The Nova Scotia Nature Trust would like to thank the Five Bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust Board of Trustees for their continued support of our Urban Wildlands program.