Giving Nature a Helping Hand: Peter Drummond
18 Jan 2019

by Andy Robinson, Nature Trust Volunteer Writer
“I don’t really recall a time when I didn’t find peace in nature,” says Peter Drummond, long time supporter of the Nova Scotia Nature Trust. “As a youngster I always loved the ocean and spending time in and near the water. I found it therapeutic and relaxing. Still do, in fact.”
Peter’s love for the natural world led ultimately to his involvement with, and support for, the Nature Trust. Peter feels very strongly that we need to give nature a helping hand, so that our special and wild places remain intact not just for future generations, but for the flora and fauna that need these wilderness spaces to survive. “We are losing our wild spaces so quickly and I wanted to help save them for future generations. I hope they will experience the same kind of benefits from nature that I have.”

Wetland on Tangier Island. Photo: Nick Hawkins.
Peter understood that the only guaranteed way to protect the natural legacy of his home province is through the work of organizations like the Nature Trust, with their single focus on protecting land forever. He strongly believes in supporting the Nature Trust, because “the Trust will guarantee that our wild spaces remain protected”.
Peter is a regular monthly donor to the Nature Trust. He recognises the value to the Trust of regular, reliable income streams for long term planning, as well as funding the day to day. But he wanted to do more. So when Peter recently read about the benefits of legacy giving he decided to investigate further.
With many different options for legacy giving, Peter soon found a solution that worked for him. By including the Nature Trust as a beneficiary in his will, Peter is providing a lasting natural legacy. The principal from his legacy gift will be held forever in Nature Trust endowments, generating income that is used to steward our conservation lands in perpetuity.

View from Little Shiprock Island, 100 Wild Islands. Photo: Nick Hawkins.
Peter was surprised at the ease with which this legacy gift could be made. “There was not a lot to it,” he noted, “And I easily came to the decision that it is a very good thing to do since I believe so strongly in what that Nature Trust is doing to protect Nova Scotia’s natural legacy.”
In recognition of this gift, Peter is now a member of the Nature Trust Legacy Circle.
To learn more about legacy giving, click here or call Barbara at: 902-425-5263 for more information.