A gift of life insurance is a simple and easy way to support the Nature Trust. For a relatively small financial commitment or sometimes no financial outlay today, you can give a significant gift in the future. It’s a creative way to demonstrate your profound commitment to land conservation.
There are three ways to donate a life insurance policy:
- OPTION 1: Do you have an existing paid-in-full life insurance policy? If so, you can name the Nova Scotia Nature Trust as the beneficiary. Your estate will receive a tax receipt equal to the insurance payout, with no additional costs to you.
- OPTION 2: A second option is to purchase a policy by paying modest life insurance premiums today and name the Nova Scotia Nature Trust as a beneficiary to demonstrate your commitment to conservation. Your estate will receive a tax receipt equal to the insurance payout.
- OPTION 3: A third option is to purchase a new policy, name the Nova Scotia Nature Trust as the owner and beneficiary and receive tax receipts during your lifetime for any premiums paid after the date of transfer.
Life insurance is not subject to probate costs or delays in the settlement of your estate. The full proceeds will be payable to the Nova Scotia Nature Trust at maturity or upon death.
All potential gifts of life insurance need to be discussed with the Nature Trust before they are finalized.

Hello! Please contact me with any questions you have about creating a natural legacy, including donating a life insurance policy.
Barbara Haley
Senior Advisor, Legacy Giving
Nova Scotia Nature Trust
Barbara@nsnt.ca or 902-579-9977
Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is general information and should not be construed as legal advice. We strongly recommend that you consult a lawyer and financial advisor to ensure that your personal and philanthropic intentions are accurately reflected in your estate plan.