Good Natured Investment: Christopher Hopgood’s positive impact

01 Nov 2023

Christopher Hopgood is certainly a man fitting of his peppy-sounding surname. Speaking with him over coffee at Two if by Sea in downtown Dartmouth, his enthusiasm and warmth are contagious, and throughout our conversation, I wondered, “Can anyone really be so delightful?”

It’s not surprising that Christopher has enjoyed somewhat of a charmed life. His magnetic personality undoubtedly played a part in his successful four-decade-long career as an Investment Advisor at ScotiaMcLeod. Although now retired, the relationships he built with his clients and colleagues have held the utmost importance for Christopher. “I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have met such lovely and interesting people, many of whom became cherished friends.”

As luck would have it, a decade ago, one of these friends, Paul Scott, introduced Christopher to the Nova Scotia Nature Trust. Paul invited Christopher to attend one of the Trust’s annual fundraising dinners, sparking his interest. Christopher then took it upon himself to visit the Nature Trust offices, meet its dedicated team, and delve deeper into the organization’s mission.

Christopher enjoying a hike at Blue Mountain-Birch Cove.

He soon became an integral part of the Nature Trust community, offering generous financial support over the years and participating in many special events and activities, most recently at the St. Mary’s River celebration of new Nature Trust acquisitions and the Champions of the Wild field trip in Wolfville. An avid hiker and swimmer, he enjoys frequenting Nature Trust properties on his own time, such as Blue Mountain-Birch Cove and 100 Wild Islands, escaping his home in the city to soak in their wild and pristine qualities.

Supporting local is important to Christopher, likely due to an immense appreciation for the province he has lived in all his life. His benevolence extends from the Nature Trust to collecting works by local artists and volunteering on the boards of the Nova Scotia International Tattoo Foundation and the Maritime Conservatory of the Performing Arts. “Contributing to the Nova Scotia Nature Trust is a way to help the future well-being of all Nova Scotians. The solace and peace found in natural spaces here are invaluable, and our province’s uniqueness makes it all the more precious.”

Knowing a thing or two about favourable investments has also helped Christopher maximize his ability to give. As a Champion for the Wild, he has generously donated stock to avoid capital gains tax while receiving a charitable tax deduction. Chris has also included the Nova Scotia Nature Trust in his legacy planning, recognizing the financial advantages of doing so. He gleams, “It’s wonderful. I can help such an important cause while still leaving enough to my other beneficiaries.”

Christopher is hopeful for the future. He trusts the good in people and the power of technology to provide solutions for our changing world. He also believes in what can be achieved in Nova Scotia – that what we do here really can set an example and make a resounding impact.

Aside from his ongoing and generous support of the Nature Trust, Christopher appears to be a gift himself, imparting positivity to the world in many ways. He’s even left a noticeable “hop” in my step as we part ways.

“Can anyone really be so delightful?”

If your name is Christopher Hopgood, the answer is unequivocally yes.

As a Champion of the Wild and Legacy Circle member, Christopher Hopgood’s charitable relationship with the Nature Trust has been invaluable. To learn more about investing in nature like Christopher, donating Gifts of Stock, or arranging a Legacy Gift, please contact Barbara Haley, Leadership and Legacy Giving Senior Advisor, at or (902) 579-9977.

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