A Bountiful Connection: How a company rooted in nature continues to give back to the land
01 May 2023

Members of The Nature’s Way Canada team present Bonnie Sutherland and Lisa Matte of the Nova Scotia Nature Trust with their most recent gift.
Nature’s Way Canada knows all about the power of nature. As a leader in the health product space, the company’s line of naturally derived herbs, multivitamins, probiotics, and nutritional oils is a top choice amongst consumers around the globe. Alongside their growing success, Nature’s Way Canada provides nourishment to other organizations, and the Nova Scotia Nature Trust has been a lucky recipient of their generosity for nearly a decade.
A mutuality between Nature’s Way and the Nova Scotia Nature Trust is genuine. The brand is deeply committed to a healthy planet and considers sustainability a core value. They were the first natural health products manufacturer to join 1% for the Planet, an international alliance of businesses that donate to environmental causes worldwide. They also empower their employees to help the communities in which they live. Annually, the company asks staff to nominate a local environmental not-for-profit they feel is most deserving of financial donation.
This year, the Nova Scotia Nature Trust was honoured to learn that they had again been selected for support by Nature’s Way Canada’s very own. Adding to the excitement, the Trust was awarded an even greater amount to help secure more land and unlock additional funds from other partners.
A gift in the amount of $100,000 was presented by executive members of Nature’s Way on March 22, 2023, at the Nova Scotia Nature Trust office in Dartmouth. “It’s incredible what the Nova Scotia Nature Trust is doing to protect and steward critical land throughout Nova Scotia,” asserts Daniel Hughes, Vice President and General Manager of Nature’s Way Canada. “Their work is deeply aligned with our values as an organization, and we are happy to continue to support their efforts.”
As noted on their website, “[Nature’s Way] strive[s] to help people live their best lives using the gifts of nature.” In turn, the Nature Trust is so grateful for the gifts it has received from the company, aiding in the protection of nature’s inherent bounty for all. The Nature Trust looks forward to working with Nature’s Way closely in the following months to identify specific land their team can proud to be part of protecting.
Nature’s Way Canada is headquartered in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, with its parent organization, Schwabe, in Germany. To learn more about the company and its products, please visit www.natureswaycanada.ca.
Is your company interested in creating a meaningful connection with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust? Our Director of Philanthropy and Engagement, Lisa Matte, would love to hear from you at lisa@nsnt.ca or (902) 233-4688.