In 2016 the we purchased our own building in Dartmouth. The move provides organisational stability and decreases annual operating costs significantly.
Our new home also provides an opportunity to reduce our environmental footprint and bring our biodiversity conservation mission into the city.
Like many older homes, the property poses environmental challenges. We plan to convert those problems to environmental benefits by creating “Nature’s House” – a model of sustainable, environmentally-friendly green urban design. We will showcase native biodiversity, water and energy conservation and efficiency, with simple, affordable solutions others can easily replicate.
Front of House Before and After
Back of House Before and After
Nature’s House Goals
- Wild in the City—enhancing natural biodiversity
- Non-native, water-hungry gardens replaced with low-water use, low maintenance, native Nova Scotian vegetation
- Natural habitat created on the property to encourage birds, butterflies, pollinators and other wildlife
- Adding to Dartmouth’s green corridor between Sullivan’s Pond and the harbour, encompassing the parks and daylighting of the Sawmill River
- Water quality and water conservation
- Non-permeable paved surfaces removed and replaced by low-water use native gardens, permeable driveway and wood chip paths
- Drainage systems, natural landscaping, swales, raingardens, and rain barrels added to conserve water, reduce flooding, run-off and moisture damage, and to manage all stormwater onsite
- Energy conservation and efficiency
- Enhanced natural light indoors
- Energy efficient and properly sealed windows and doors
- Added insulation
- Increased natural light and air flow
- A welcoming community space
- A fully accessible, unique, nature-inspired and nature-inspiring landmark in a transforming downtown neighbourhood
- A space we and other groups in the community can use and enjoy for programming, meeting space and events

Thank you to our major in-kind supporters
- rcs construction
- Halifax Foundation
- NS Department of Community Services
- Trim Landscaping
- Fathom Studio
- Vollick McKee Petersmann and Associates
- PoweRsmith Electrical
Thanks to the many other individuals and organizations who have generously donated time or funding to our Nature’s House campaign. Thank you to our architects and inspiration-givers at Solterre Architecture, and the experts at the Clean Foundation, Dalhousie University , Ecology Action Centre , Equilibrium Engineering, and Thermo Homes Inc for their guidance and support.
You can help!
We need friends and supporters to bring Nature’s House to life. We need:
- Donate to support the Nature’s House project
- Native plants and supplies for our wild garden
- Donate outdoor garden or patio furniture, BBQ, garden furniture
- Volunteer as a Nature’s House gardener
- Volunteer labour or materials for a new wooden gate
Please contact us for our latest update on in-kind donations or volunteer expertise required. Thank you!